A Christmas Carol (1843)

It's the most famous Christmas story of all...

If you really read the story, you will appreciate the message it has to give.  It's fairly common knowledge that Dickens wrote this piece as social commentary, not as some sort of heart-warming tale.  It foreshadows the Revolutions of 1848 and 1917, with stunning accuracy in regards to the fates of those who hold all wealth and choose to be "stingy".  Well...they're not Nostradamus level predictions, but Dickens certainly gave some warning about those who ignore Ignorance and Want.  Perhaps Tsar Nicholas should have listened...

Aside from the heavy messaging within its pages, the book creates some very vivid imagery.  I was also impressed with the level of detail Dickens wrote into the story's background.  Right down to describing Ebenezer’s mansion being a run down ghost of what the neighborhood used to be...and the delft fireplace tiles...remnants of a wealthy Dutchman.

It's a quick read, and you just got a first edition copy in time for Christmas!!!

Happy Holidays...