It’s a small world after all…
I just love stories like this…off the wall stuff that feeds into things I dreamt of as a kid with an Uncle Milton Ant farm in his room. I never did start a World War within those inch-wide plastic panes filled with white sand pebbles and twisted depths of ant made caves…but I fantasized about doing so and dropping in some sewing pins and staples just to see if the ants would figure out how to impale one another! H.G. Wells was dreaming and writing about this years before I ever came along…and his ants were smart enough to organize with military precision and kill the two-legged “beasts” with poison-laced projectiles! Sounds like a recipe for insect World domination…
Wells had this published in The Strand…and you, like
countless sci-fi fans before…can read it right here… The Empire of the