Look a little deeper...
The tattooed man that sports ink that moves, charting a map of stories tied together like legs and arms to a torso. This is Bradbury's illustrated man. A collection of stories that blend science fiction with supernatural elements, a framework that resembles a good portion of Ray Bradbury's style, The Martian Chronicles being a companion example. Perhaps the most famous story from the 18 presented in the book is The Rocket Man...number 7. From this story's inspiration sprang a very popular song, by a very popular artist...Rocket Man by Elton John.
Coming on the heels of The Martian Chronicles, Bradbury was capitalizing on the format of a loose collection of separate stories interconnected by a thread of commonality, and it worked.
Again, with many of Bradbury's books, first editions are not readily available to read online. Eventually they will be scanned into the digital realm, but not today. A 1st/1st of The Illustrated Man is tremendously expensive, but if you can afford it...eBay has it.
Should you wish to simply read it: The Illustrated Man
Watch out for holographic lions...

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