Undersea Guardians (1944)

A Ghost Story...with Submarines?

Ray Bradbury was one of the most creative fiction writers of all time.  His stories are fresh, original, and at times, downright frightening.  While the Second World War was raging, Ray was writing.  He came up with a creative little ghost story that ties in with perhaps one of the scariest situations you could find yourself in during the conflict...torpedoed by a German U-boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  Even with a lifeboat, death was most certainly a distinct possibility...better than average I would say. 

Here's a short little gem from the pen of Ray...one to help the War effort.  It has undead zombie ghost mermaids, Nazi submarines with porthole windows (German U-boats never had "windows"...but I like how Bradbury incorporates them in the story for a "scare"), and the ability to fly through the water faster than a speeding torpedo...